Call to Action: Salvation Army Angel/Giving Tree Needs Your Help
As I posted on my FB page:
Call to Action (please share): The Salvation Army is running behind on their Angel Tree drive this year (time is running out). There are thousands off children with parents in prison who will not get a Christmas this year. Not just toys, but cloths for school, etc. It is not these kids fault that their parents are locked up. As good Americans, it is OUR DUTY to show love and support for them this season. I encourage you all to adopt an angel or two. Get your office or family to adopt an Angel together... Start a tradition. Your leadership and example today will sow seeds within many of these kids for tomorrow!!!! (Think about it). When you are done... reply if you want with a picture or comment on the experience (I'll be posting in my blog as well). I assure you, this will be one of the highlights of your Season. Wouldn't you want someone to do this for your child??? Thank you and God bless.

Labels: angel tree, Chrismas, salvation army
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