Save Money, Buy an Accident Benefit

WHAT is Accidental Injury Coverage or an Accidental Injury Benefit?
-These are supplemental insurance policies that pay a benefit up to a certain amount if you (or a family member) are injured in an accident. Many also included other benefits like accidental death and dismemberment but we're focusing on the Accidental Injury value. The probability of an accidental injury leading to an Emergency Room visit and/or hospitalization is much higher than illness.
WHY should I consider purchasing Accidental Injury Coverage?
-If you and/or your family are on a $1500 deductible (or higher) on your Health Insurance plan, you must take Accident Coverage into consideration. The higher the health plan deductible, the more crucial it is to hedge against accident.
HOW much will this cost me per month?
-A $5,000 Accident Coverage should not cost you more than $40 per month for the ENTIRE family PERIOD.
You MUST look for creative ways to save money without substantially increasing your risk. One way to save money on health premium is to take a higher deductible health plan. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium will be. The problem some folks run into with higher deductible is a psychological one. A $3500 or $5000 deductible seem to be a lot to take on, but if your premiums are so high that you can barely afford it, you get creative!
Example: (for sake of simplicity, we'll assume your health insurance plan has 100% co-insurance after the deductible)
Currently, your family has a $1500 deductible health insurance policy and the premium amount is $600 per month ($7200 annually). You decide that $600 per month is breaking the bank. You know that you MUST have insurance on yourself and family. You decide to move to a $3500 deductible health plan and the premium is only $450 per month. You just saved $150 per month ($1800 annually)! You buy a $5000 Accident Injury Coverage policy for $30 per month. You are still saving $120 per month AND you have completely hedged against Accident Risk because the Accident Policy is going to pay all but a couple hundred dollars of your $3500 deductible. Basically, you end up with BETTER coverage than when you started and it costs you LESS. Why give your hard earned money to an insurance company, when you can keep it more important things (like an Emergency Fund)?
(another way to look at it)
Family A: Before hedging with Accidental Injury Coverage
$1500 Health Deductible / $600 per month ($7200 annually)
A $100,000 injury claim costs you $1500!
Family A: After hedging with Accidental Injury Coverage
$3500 Health Deductible / $450 per month ($5400 annually) + $5000 Accidental Injury Coverage / $30 per month ($360 annually) = $480 per month ($5760 annually)
A $100,000 injury claim costs you $250!
-Employers: This is a great way to save money while improving benefits for your team!!!
-Folks with pre-ex: This is a good way to curb costs if you cannot move to a new plan. You can always go to a higher deductible to save money
-Parents with kids in sports: I think the value is pretty obvious J
In conclusion, in order to save money on monthly insurance expenses, you must get creative. One way is to use products like an Accidental Injury policy to do that. If you have a hand in controlling the cost of your healthcare, you will sleep better at night.
Note: Do not assume that because you are currently "healthy", you don't require health insurance. Try telling that to a family whose bread winner is in the county hospital with no insurance and bankruptcy is knocking at their door. Lives are ruined by selfish/foolish decisions. Don't be THAT GUY! When someone say's "I'm healthy, I don't need insurance", what they are REALLY saying is "I'm irresponsible, unreliable and short sighted". Personally, I do not associate with people who are of that mindset. Insurance rule, if you CAN pay for it… YOU MUST! It is quite another thing not to be able to afford health insurance. Ask yourself. What is more important, my family's well-being or an extra car payment or boat payment, etc?
SBA with Accident Benefit- Click Here (Example of the product I have and use)
High Deductible Health Plans (Wikipedia)
Take control
Lance Cashion
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Labels: accidental injury, emergency fund, employer group insurance, health insurance, hight deductible, hsa, lance cashion
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