Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Debt and Smoking Cigarettes

Debt is like smoking cigarettes. At one point in history smoking was actually considered healthy. We now know that smoking is harmful and can lead to death. Debt was once considered healthy. We now know that debt can severely harm or kill you or your organization financially.  Sure, it may be pleasurable but it's not healthy.   
Why continue to run the risk? Because we are weak! That's right, I said it… WE are WEAK! The debt habit is just as hard to break as smoking.

Have you fully considered unintended consequences of debt on your organization?
-Debt adds stress and unnecessary pressure on your team causing poor performance
-Debt can lead to downsizing (affecting people's lives of those you let go)
-Debt can lead to catastrophic failure of your organization
-Debt causes unnecessary stress on your partners, vendors and customers
-Debt causes leaders to make decisions they would not normally make

Neither your household nor your business can realistically thrive if you have debt. Let's start getting rid of it and build a lasting mentorship for future generations!  If the children are our future and they know that debt is dumb, they might make wise choices when some of them are elected to public office or tapped as president of a large bank.  Think about it folks.

Lance Cashion
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Blogger The Misty Journey said...

Wish I could get my boss to read this article and have this perspective. Spurs me on to be self employed some day 100%! Excellent analogy!!!

1/13/2010 11:10:00 AM  

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