Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do you have time?

How would your day be different if the first thing you did when you got to work in the morning was to spend 5 minutes in prayer and review of your personal mission statement?

How would your day be different if you scheduled 20 minutes of devotional time and meditation while at work?

How would your day be different if you split that 20 minutes in half and set aside 10 minutes before lunch and 10 minutes in the afternoon for personal time?

How would your day be different if you devoted 25 minutes a day disconnecting from your tasks and connecting with yourself and God?

How would your day be different for your team if they saw that you were focused, refreshed and excited?

Would you serve better? Produce more? Be happier?

Do you have 25 minutes per day to devote to this?


How much time do you spend per day on Facebook (social media sites) or reading non-productive emails or "news"?

Can you spare 25 minutes for yourself and your Creator?

Am I saying, don't ammuse yourself for a few minutes at work?  No.  I think it is important to detach every few hours and say hello to an old friend or read a funny email or amusing "news" article.  However, I think it is essential that a couple detachments be set aside for you and God to connect.
Whoever obeys his command will come to no harm,
and the wise heart will know the proper time and procedure.

Ecclesiastes 8:5

Lance Cashion
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